Multiplying Earnings in Rural Agriculture through Farmer Producer Organizations (MERA FPO)

Promotion of FPO requires experts from various domains comprising Social Mobilization, Agriculture, IT, Accounting and Marketing. With our pool of experts we support CBBOs with domain experts and help them create Project Management Unit(PMU) for effective mobilization of farmers and promotion of FPOs. We have helped several CBBOs in setting-up project management units to achieve the objectives of FPO promotion in a timely manner. Our experts have a combined experience of over 10 decades in the FPO domain. Read more...

We at Bigharvest work relentlessly to simplify Digital Needs of FPOs and prepare simple tools to help FPOs manage their businesses effectively. Our set of Tools include Online Portal, Mobile App, ecommerce platform and a suite of professional business applications. An FPO can start using these tools without much training. The tools are designed in such a way that all required information and settings are easily available to the users. Whether FPO wants to start a physical store or an online store, we have it all covered. Read more...

Demonstration of Drone Services for Agriculture is a very ambitious and promising scheme of the  Ministry of Agriculture. Govt. of India. We at Bigharvest are committed for the successful adoption of Drone Technology among FPOs and farmers. Read more...

FAST (FPO MIS) - User Videos

Video1 - Login, Navigation & User creation.webm
Video4 - Managing FIG Data Using App.webm
Video6 - CBBO Reports.webm
Video3 - Managing Farmer Data Using App.webm
Video7 - IA Reports.webm
Video2 - Farmer Data Entry into MIS Portal.mp4
Video5 - Managing FPO Information and Management Cost.webm

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Bigharvest Technologies Private Limited

SF 10, Assotech Hi-street, Crossings Republik, Ghaziabad
